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The Chaatai language is the main language spoken in the Chaatai Republic of Tagra. Native speakers are between 20 and 25 millions.





chai Ice.
chaagri Aurora Australis, or Southern Lights.
chaukra A cabbage-like ground crop.
dji Egg; metaforically, the world.
kachai Tree ferns.
kachyu Podocarp trees.
kadja An island; any landmass other than Tagra's mainland.
kru The sea, particularly the ocean surrounding Tagra.
ki Mountain. (See Ki'igri, the Lightning Mountains, and Ki!aakra, the Thunder Mountains.)
krukaa A large Iguanodon-like ornithopod, used as burden and transport animal.
tagra The known world, or the Antarctic continent.
yachakri A large carnivorous theropod.
'au'a Deity, god(dess), particularly the God of Chaatai religion.
'ikra A person, one of the inhabitants of Tagra. (Default feminine: masculine 'ikrika.)
'ukru Fire.
chaatai-language.txt · Last modified: 2022-08-21 10:46 by concavenator

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